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Forget everything you think you know about the end and discover how you can start living a better story today – no matter what the future holds

Through an examination of the cultural and philosophical trends converging in today’s chaotic times, Rev. Dr. Leonard Sweet and Dr. Len Wilson show how the problems plaguing American Christianity are rooted in bad theology about the end. A better definition of God’s kingdom changes everything about how we live today.

Are we living through the beginning of the end?

The end has indeed begun – but it is not the special effects explosion many of us imagine. For too long, we’ve gotten the end wrong, which leads to poor decisions with dead-end consequences. To live a better Christian story, we need a better vision of the end.

Telos argues for a new way of looking at the end: as the culmination of God’s grand story. It introduces Jesus’ most important word in describing the end: the Greek word telos. Telos is the rhythm of human history; the presence of God; the plot, purpose, and completion of the story. The end is the kingdom of God, and the kingdom is here and now.

In the book, Rev. Dr. Leonard Sweet and Dr. Len Wilson challenge six false endings playing out in the world today, which result in tragedy and despair. Through an examination of cultural and philosophical trends converging in today’s chaotic times, Sweet and Wilson show how many of the problems plaguing American Christianity are rooted in bad theology and offer a better definition of God’s kingdom: the present reality of the presence of God that gives us hope for today and tomorrow.

Telos will help you gain:

  • An understanding of the philosophical and culture movements that fuel our wrong ideas about the end of the world and the problems they are creating today
  • A new perspective on time – past, present, and future – and why God’s kingdom is more than a place or singular moment in history
  • A positive vision of the future based on the true meaning of the kingdom of God
  • A new way of engaging culture without culture warring
  • A worldview that empowers you to live with more hope and peace every day, even in chaotic times

A lot has been written about the kingdom of God, but nothing like this. This book is an invitation to stop worrying about the future or running yourself ragged trying to build the kingdom and to instead step into the life of the kingdom that is available to you now.

If you want to know what happens in the end, how telos helps us live in the stream of the Spirit, and how to live a better story today – no matter what the future holds – read what may be the most important book of our time.

telos 2d 2

Download your Free Chapter Today!


Leonard Sweet

Author of more than seventy books and 1,500+ published sermons, Leonard Sweet’s recent publications include groundbreaking textbooks on preaching (Giving Blood), evangelism (Nudge), ecclesiology (So Beautiful) and discipleship (I Am A Follower). The second volume in his Christmas trilogy with Lisa Samson is just out (St.As). Len and co-author Lisa Samson are working on volume four (for Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients) of their Songs of Light series. Len often appears on the “50 Most Influential Christians in America” listings, and in 2010 was selected by the top non-English Christian website as one of the “Top 10 Influential World Christians of 2010.” His “Napkin Scribbles” podcasts can be accessed on or Spotify. His Twitter and Facebook microblogs are ranked as some of the most influential in the religious arena. His “LenTalk” vlogs are found on his Leonard Sweet YouTube channel. Len works with doctoral students at four institutions: Drew University, where he has occupied the E. Stanley Jones Chair, George Fox University, Northwind Seminary, and Evangelical Seminary (Kairos), where he currently holds the Charles Wesley Senior Professorship of Doctoral Studies. In 2015 he launched his own homiletics resource In 2020 he founded his own publishing house the Salish Sea Press. One of the most sought-after speakers in the religious world today, he resides on Orcas Island in the San Juans in the PNW.


Len Wilson

Len's life mission is to use oral, written, and visual communication with equal effectiveness in telling the story of Jesus Christ. He is a “master wordsmith and communicator,” “creative master,” “thought leader,” and according to one Fulbright scholar, “captures the future of language.” Len is Executive Director of Invite Resources and Director of Innovation and Strategy at St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Plano, Texas. Len is formerly the Senior Leadership Editor at Abingdon Press, the main imprint of the United Methodist Publishing House. A pioneer in the use of visual media and storytelling in church life, Len first practiced his calling as a 24-year-old Media Minister, leading the creative arts ministry of Ginghamsburg Church, one of the great stories of late 20th century United Methodism in America. Len has served as a creative director, teacher, speaker, consultant, and coach. His ministry has helped thousands of churches to more innovative ways of doing ministry through ministries he has co-founded and led since 1996. Len has been writing since age 13 and published his first work at age 16. Greater Things is his eleventh published title. Other works include Think Like a Five Year Old, Taking Flight with Creativity, and The Wired Church. As a producer and director of dozens of short films, Len has won Silver and Bronze Telly Awards, and interned at CBS Television City in Hollywood, CA. Len’s maintains an active professional blog at, which is known for its annual list of the fastest growing congregations throughout Methodism.

A summa cum laude graduate of McMurry University, Len earned his Master of Arts degree in the innovative Religious Communication program at United Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Semiotics and Future Studies from Portland Seminary. In addition, Len did master’s course study work at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, prior to pursuing a call to ministry. Len has been married since 1991 to the lovely Shar Wilson. They are parents to four creative children.



What people
are saying…

I do not have enough words to describe my amazement and wonder at this literary and theological masterpiece. Not since C. S. Lewis wrote Mere Christianity has a book so creatively reflected on the overarching narrative of our faith; so compellingly realigned our understanding of the end time with the teachings of Jesus. I have no doubt it will reset our understanding of time and eschatology.

In this timely book, one that will soon become timeless, Len Sweet and Len Wilson offer us a much-needed, fresh understanding of the future in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. After creatively guiding us through six competing endings for the world in church and culture, the authors invite us to discover that truth is not a proposition but a person. Our eyes are opened to the fact that in Jesus, past, present and future exist simultaneously. Our beginning and ending, our telos, is anchored in Him. In and through Him, heaven has invaded the earth. Jesus is the kingdom come.

Stephan Joubert
Stephan Joubert
Extraordinary Professor, Contemporary Ecclesiology, University of the FreeState, South Africa, & founder of ekerk, a digital online faith community

To live a better Christian story, we need a better vision of the end.

Political developments in American culture since the turn of the century have exposed significant differences in deeply held beliefs about what the future holds, the end times, and what the kingdom of God is. These differences are more than academic. They have profound implications on how we interpret cultural events and our actions in the present, particularly in Christian ministry. Theology about the end is critical: our view of what is going to happen effects the decisions we make now.

Telos is about both what will happen at the end of the age and what is happening in the world today.

In this book, the authors ask three core questions: 1) What happens at the end of our present age? 2) What exactly is the kingdom of God? 3) What are the signs?

Telos explores why bad theology about the end leads to decisions that are destructive and harmful and why we can’t divorce our ideas about the future from our present reality – or the present reality of the kingdom from the truth about the end.

You will:

Forget everything you think you know about the end and discover how you can start living a better story today – no matter what the future holds

Gain an understanding of teleology

Telos is one of the most important, underreported words in the New Testament. Explore its meaning, rooted in Scripture and informed by history.

Forget everything you think you know about the end and discover how you can start living a better story today – no matter what the future holds

Better understand our current times

Discover what’s underneath the events, movements, politics, and divisions of our day – and why God offers us a better vision that is neither left nor right, conservative nor progressive.

Forget everything you think you know about the end and discover how you can start living a better story today – no matter what the future holds

Find your footing in the kingdom

Don’t be easily swayed by fear, manipulation, conspiracy, and social pressure and instead the hope, peace, and joy of life in the kingdom of God today.

telos 2d 3

Start living a better story today, no matter what the future holds.

A truly biblical view of the end times can be the very thing that rescues Christianity and helps us rediscover our first love. After all, Christianity itself was born in the fires of apocalyptic fervor. Order Telos and discover how to start living with more hope, joy, and peace today.

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