Roses for Ashes (Paperback)
Author Miguel Ángel Pozo
Product Info
Find God's love and hope in the midst of the deepest despair, grief, and suffering.
Cover art by Antonio Diu.
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- Weight: 0.5 lbs
- Length: 5.5"
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- Height: 8.5"
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By telling the biblical story of Ruth and bringing the people of the story to life, Miguel Pozo lifts you up from a place of despair about the wider culture or your personal life and offers amazing hope for the future. You will identify with Ruth and the other biblical characters, their troubles, and their victories and how even in the face of the most challenging circumstances God can bring about love, life, joy, and hope.
Miguel Ángel Pozo sets out the social context of the book of Ruth in such a way that the reader today can see the hand of God in their own lives as they see it in the lives of Ruth and Naomi. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter help the reader apply the lessons from the biblical story to their own lives. As Ruth moves from darkness, depression and helplessness to seeing a way forward with God’s help, we too can see the light at the end of the darkness. We discover, as Ruth did, that we are not alone but in good hands!
Pastor Pozo encourages us all to study, reflect and discuss in groups the lessons and learnings from Ruth for our own growth and for our own discovery of the message of hope that God offers us.