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Healing Deepest Hurts (Paperback)

Author Karen Bartlett

SKU: 978-1-96326-51-2

Book - Paperback

Other Editions

Product Info

Healing Deepest Hurts will guide you through the process of “soul archeology,” empowering you to dig deep into past emotional, mental, and spiritual hurts and find hope and healing on the other side.

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  • Delivery method: Physical
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Length: 5.5"
  • Width: 0.25"
  • Height: 8.5"

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Is it possible to approach the deepest hurts of life through spiritual guidance that does not retraumatize those who are already suffering? In Healing Deepest Hurts, Karen Bartlett delivers a resounding Yes! to this question. With compassion, a thorough understanding and accessible application of neuroscience, and the wisdom of trauma-sensitive spiritual guidance, the author offers readers invaluable insights and practical steps for beginning the process of healing their most painful wounds. I highly recommend this book for those who struggle to believe they are beloved by God. The author avoids platitudes and the spiritualization of pain while enabling the reader to understand the impact of trauma. Her honesty and perspectives on church practices and views of God that either help the wounded heal or cause more harm provide a deep breath of life-giving hope for those, like myself, who believe that spirituality matters.

Janyne McConnaughey, PhD,
Janyne McConnaughey, PhD,
author of Trauma in the Pews, Former President of the Board: Attachment & Trauma Network

Healing Deepest Hurts is the resource our faith communities need! Bartlett’s masterful blend of biblical truth, principles of neuropsychology and social work as well as exercises of imagination has the potential to move individuals toward greater healing and wholeness.

 Sybil Kolbert
 Sybil Kolbert
Trauma/Resilience Coach and author of Finding Home: Embracing God’s Promises and Rebuilding Your Life

Healing Deepest Hurts offers compassion, wisdom, solace and hope to anyone who has experienced trauma. Karen intertwines her own vulnerable narratives with insightful guidance and understanding, reminding us that healing is not only possible but achievable, and that God’s presence is real even in the depths of despair.

Anita Thiessen
Trauma and Crisis Care Counselor

Karen Bartlett’s poignant, hope-filled book Healing Deepest Hurts draws on her nearly four decades of work as a social worker and spiritual director to expertly guide us through the maze that is the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing. This is a book that you’ll return to again and again.



David Wahlstedt
David Wahlstedt
Lead Pastor of The Table Dallas and author of Shift: Catalyzing Creative Change in Innovative Christian Ministry


We may be disconnected from our authentic selves because of past hurts and alienation from God. Sometimes the hurt stems from childhood or from trauma in our life or through the actions of people in the church. Social worker and spiritual director Karen Bartlett understands the hurts and gently leads us to the presence of God and to hope.

Healing Deepest Hurts is a heartfelt guide that explores the interplay between faith, neuroscience, attachment patterns, and life experiences. Alongside striking illustrations by her mother, Karen Bartlett extends a guiding hand, inviting you to approach the wounded areas of your life with vulnerability and intentionality.

You will:

  • Unearth previously dismissed wounds
  • Investigate your core beliefs and examine long held inner narratives
  • Find healing and solace through intentional soul archeology and inner work
  • Rediscover your unique worth and come back to who you were created to be
  • Be invited to encounter the healing presence of God who delights in you

More than a therapeutic book with quick answers, Healing Deepest Hurts: When God Feels Distant and Hope Seems Lost will encourage you to pause and consider life events that have shaped you and where you might find healing. Each chapter examines significant areas to explore within your life. You will find questions after every chapter that will help you to reflect on your unique life experiences, wounds, and thoughts.