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  • come alive matthew cover 2

Come Alive: Matthew (Paperback)

Conversations with Scripture

Author Talbot Davis

SKU: 978-1-953495-34-1

Book - Paperback

Other Editions

Product Info

De-weird the Bible. Discover how God is speaking to you today.

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  • Delivery method: Physical
  • Weight: 0.75 lbs
  • Length: 5.5"
  • Width: 0.75"
  • Height: 8.5"

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Talbot writes conversationally and with immediacy, like he's right in the room alongside you, with wisdom and humor gained from decades of ministry, knowledge from years of study, and an infectious love of Scripture, Christ, and those seeking to walk with Jesus. I for one loved diving into this book!

Susan B Griffith
Susan B Griffith
Associate Member, Theology and Religion Faculty, University of Oxford

Come Alive: Conversations with Scripture took me to a deeper contextual understanding of Matthew's gospel and provided daily applications at the end of each chapter.

Angela A. Pleasants
Angela A. Pleasants
Vice President Clergy Church Relations, Wesleyan Covenant Association

I love how my friends and family have made Pastor Talbot Davis’s daily “Word Before World” emails a habit in their morning routine. How perfectly fitting that it’s being transformed into a book I can gift to others. I can’t wait!!

Ruvell Martin II
Ruvell Martin II
Retired NFL player and coach


Come Alive: Conversations with Scripture is a guide through the books of the Bible, providing cultural context and insights that bridge the gap between the world of the Bible and our world today. Each book includes a daily reading, a daily insight and a daily reading prompt that will help you reflect on the text and build the skills to read the Bible for yourself with more confidence and understanding. Discover a new and unexpected way to engage with Scripture and experience the Bible not as a distant, confusing document, but as a living, breathing conversation between God and humanity that continues to speak into our ever-changing world.


Matthew betrayed his own people for money—then was called and transformed by Jesus. This Jewish tax collector, who worked for the oppressor Romans, gives a detailed account of the life of Jesus through the lens of Jewish history and prophecy. More than any other Gospel writer, Matthew documents the actual words of Jesus and connects everything Jesus said and did to the promises about the Messiah. Through this interactive guide through the book of Matthew, you will gain a new appreciation for both Matthew’s literary genius and how he invites you into the unfolding story of God and humanity.

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