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Understand yourself through the ancient idea of a soul.

Get your copy of the bold new book from pastor Arthur Jones



Philosophers, theologians, and psychologists from the ancient to the present have recognized that there is more to us than meets the eye. The most common term we use to describe this is “soul” – but is the soul just some airy part of us that exists after we die or is it something more concrete and meaningful?


The Christian view of the soul tells us that our soul is us: it’s our very being – mind, body, and spirit – and it is eternal. This gives us a revolutionary view of self and life. It means that we are important, and we aren’t just living for a far-off reality called “heaven” or “hell”; instead, every moment of your life puts you on a trajectory that creates the life you will live today and for eternity. And you can choose a life of joy and wholeness right here, right now.


Solid Souls will help you see yourself and others with eternal eyes so you can understand who you really are, choose eternal values and goals, and live a life of purpose – the life you were made to live. Seamlessly blending together the mystical and the practical, this fresh and modern look at the soul will help you learn to make better choices in work, in marriage, in parenting, and in life so you can experience healthier relationships and a life that’s aligned with who God created you to be.


“When we redefine the word soul in terms of our whole self, we can see how our choices have a significant impact on who we are and what that means for our future. If choices impact our souls and our souls are eternal, we must develop a much longer view of who we want to be.” – Solid Souls

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Arthur Jones

Arthur Jones is a fifth-generation Methodist preacher who grew up in churches across North Texas. His passions involve preaching a real and practical faith, engaging people with the Bible and current issues that affect day-to-day life, and providing leadership and vision for the next phases of church life. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas and Duke Divinity School, the current senior pastor at St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, and the co-author of Ask: Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age. Arthur is married to Becky. They are the parents of two children.


Solid Souls Reviews

What people
are saying…

I wasn't aware how badly my own soul needed these words in this book. Solid Souls by Arthur Jones speaks to passion, purpose, and what it means to live a life fully and abundantly. I love the way Arthur sees the world and brings the scripture to life within the pages of this story. Highly recommend this read. Your soul will thank you for it.

Mark Sorenson
Mark Sorenson
Senior Pastor, The Woodlands United Methodist Church, The Woodlands, TX (as of 7/1/2021)

What is tended thrives. What is neglected withers. Arthur Jones offers a salient reminder of what is truly important in life and an exhortation to tend those things...with intention.

Rev. Shane Bishop
Rev. Shane Bishop
2010 Distinguished Evangelist of the United Methodist Church and Senior Pastor, Christ Church, Fairview Heights, IL

St. Augustine famously said, I want to know two things, God and the soul; for therein lies true self-knowledge. Arthur Jones offers a modern spin on that ancient quest. Through a thoughtful engagement with popular culture, cognitive science, and Scripture, Jones challenges us to see how our choices for things substantial or insubstantial determine the character of our soul - whether it is solid or shriveled - which determines our ability or inability to receive the real gifts of God - now and in eternity.

J, Warren Smith
J, Warren Smith
Professor of Historical Theology, Duke Divinity School

Arthur Jones powerfully melds theology with every day spiritual practices leading to abundant life--now. In the tradition of the pastor scholar, Jones brings deep spiritual truths to the arena of daily life, identifies what is truly transformative, and presents eternal mysteries of God in ways that are at once simple and profound. A must read for anyone wishing to pursue growth of God’s grace in their lives!

Gaston Warner
Gaston Warner
CEO, Zoe Empowers

Jim Rohn famously wrote about suffering either “the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” In Solid Souls, Arthur Jones masterfully and practically invites us to either choose the discipline of cultivating a solid soul or living with the regret of a shriveled soul.

Jorge Acevedo
Jorge Acevedo
Lead Pastor, Grace Church of Southwest Florida
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Live with Eternal Eyes and Become Who You Were Created To Be

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