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Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Healthy Money is a 30-day guided journey that takes you beyond your budget and bank balance and into the emotional and spiritual roots of your money patterns, revealing your unique money mindset, unleashing deeper healing in your life, and transforming your finances from the inside out.

Have you ever found yourself:

  • Resolving to save money one day and then clicking “add to cart” the next?
  • Paying down a credit card, then “rewarding” yourself by making a big purchase?
  • Wanting to live more fully and give more generously, but unable to release your grip on your finances?

Most of us know the right things to do with finances. We know we need to live within a budget, prioritize giving and saving, and avoid debt…so why is there so often a gap between our knowledge and our actions?

Could it be that it’s not really about money at all?

Healthy Money is a 30-day guided journey that takes you beyond your budget and bank balance and into the emotional and spiritual roots of your finances: your beliefs, your wounds, your fears, and your dreams.

This journey will reveal your primary money mindset, its healthy and unhealthy sides, and how God can transform your financial patterns at the root by healing the deepest parts of your heart and soul.

You will discover:

  • The 5 common money mindsets (and which one you have)
  • The underlying beliefs that drive your financial habits
  • Godly truths to replace unhealthy lies about money
  • How to overcome the weaknesses and play into the strengths of your mindset
  • Reflection questions and guided prayer to help you surrender your finances to God
  • Financial next steps that work for you (no more “shoulds” or formulas)

As you explore and own the truth about your relationship with money, you will find more than just financial freedom; you will also find freedom from the lies you believe about yourself, the guilt and shame you carry, and the fear, scarcity, and comparison mindsets that keep you from reaching your personal and financial potential.

Healthy Money isn’t another piece of advice, another box to check, or someone else pointing out what you’re doing “wrong.”

It’s a tool to unleash deeper healing in your life, change the financial trajectory you’re on, and start heading in the direction you want to go — from a place of surrender, trust, and wholeness.

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Rosario Picardo

Roz grew up in western New York as a first-generation Sicilian-American. In 2003, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Houghton College and in 2007 a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in 2014 and an MBA in 2021 from Dakota Wesleyan University.

During his senior year of college, Roz entered the ministry as a military chaplain, serving four years in the Marine Reserves and five years in the Navy Reserves. While attending seminary, he recognized a call to serve the local church and has experience in all facets of church life, through roles ranging from church custodian to associate pastor to church planter and executive pastor of church planting at Ginghamsburg Church for five where they had three campuses and worshipped over 4,000.

Roz is one of the founding pastors at Mosaic Church, a seven-year-old United Methodist multicultural church in Dayton, Ohio ( In addition to his work in the church, Roz is a national speaker, leads a consulting group for church planters/pastors called Picardo Coaching LLC, and is the author of nine books.


Callie Picardo

Callie Picardo loves the Lord and has a passion for prayer, discipleship, and generosity. She is an author, preacher, teacher, and encourager.

A business major from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, Callie worked in investment banking after college. Loving the financial side of her work, but wishing for more people interaction, she moved back to her hometown of Lexington, KY and into the world of charitable giving. She served six years as Kentucky’s Director of Giver Services for National Christian Foundation, one of the largest charities in the United States.

In 2015, after moving to Dayton, OH, Callie began working at United Theological Seminary, and now serves as Vice President for Development. She loves building relationships with donors of the seminary, hearing their stories and inviting them into God’s work at United. She views fundraising as ministry, regularly caring for and praying with donors.

In 2011, she founded Deep Roots Financial Coaching, a business that helps individuals, families and churches align their finances with God’s word. Her passion is to see God’s children grow in their faith through managing money God’s way and becoming financially free to follow His call wherever He may lead.

While in Kentucky, Callie met a United Methodist pastor and church planter named Rosario Picardo, and in 2010 they were married. Together they live in Dayton, OH with their three young daughters Lily, Gabriella, and Hannah. In September 2017, Rosario planted a multiethnic United Methodist Church called Mosaic, where Callie serves on the preaching team and in the prayer ministry.

In 2021, Callie and Rosario co-authored Money Talks: A Biblical Take on Earning, Saving, Spending, and Giving to encourage others as they walk with God in the area of their finances. They also co-host The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario Picardo.

Callie holds a Master of Arts in Christian Ministries from United Theological Seminary and is currently working on her Doctor of Ministry degree.



What people are saying...

Out of the depth and breadth of their faith and experience the Picardos have developed a resource to help any Christian person or family to mature from fear and anxiety about dealing with money to faithfulness and generosity.

Gregory Vaughn Palmer
Gregory Vaughn Palmer
Bishop, West Ohio Conference, The United Methodist Church

I pay attention to any good resource about money, knowing money has such a huge hold on our people. I’m excited about this one by Roz and Callie. They’ve put a lot of gold into one book. This will immediately go into my library of recommendations.

Ron Edmondson
Ron Edmondson
pastor, author, consultant,

Roz and Callie care deeply about helping God’s people become spiritually discipled into faith-filled stewardship of their financial resources—and their passion clearly shines through each page of this book. What a useful tool to help readers become self-aware of their relationship with money and receive motivation to seek financial health!

Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey
Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey
Director, Bishop Bruce Ough Innovation Center, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio

This is a wise and practical 30-day devotional prayer guide which helps us understand how we developed our attitudes towards finances and gives us relevant Scriptural wisdom as we seek to grow in our understanding of God's desire to love and bless us in every area of life. Healthy Money helps God heal us from unhealthy attitudes and actions regarding our finances. I highly recommend it.

Dr. Kent Millard
Dr. Kent Millard
President, United Theological Seminary,Dayton, Ohio

The Picardos have written a practical book rooted in scripture and lived experience. The daily readings helped me reflect on my approach to finances and challenged me to grow. I can’t wait to read it again with my wife and see how it can help us in our faith and finances.

Luke Edwards
Luke Edwards
author of Becoming Church: A Trail Guide for Starting Fresh Expressions, Associate Director of Church Development, Fresh Expressions and Innovation, Western NC Conference, UMC

An incredibly practical resource for financial health. Jesus came to set the oppressed free! One of the greatest oppressive forces in American culture today for the average family is the burden of debt. Debt fueled by the luring idols of materialism. Roz and Callie’s 30-day devotional journey will keep you on a path of financial wholeness.

Mike Slaughter
Mike Slaughter
Founder & Chief Strategist, Passionate Churches, LLC

Healthy Money is a wonderful and easy to read resource on what is often a very difficult subject—yet it is so important for healthy marriages and healthy spiritual lives. Highly recommended!

Angela Correll
Angela Correll
author of Restored in Tuscany: A True Story of Facing Loss, Finding Beauty and Living Forward in Hope.

Roz and Callie Picardo have devoted their lives to helping people experience liberation through God's love. Healthy Money is a helpful tool towards wholeness.

Rev. Laura Baber
Spiritual Director and United Methodist Retired Deacon

Money stuff can be so stressful. It can weigh you down and hold you back. This book offers a better way through a simple, daily journey with God. This is the best resource I have seen for a practical, powerful path to find freedom with your finances!

Jacob Armstrong
Jacob Armstrong
Pastor, Providence Church, Mt. Juliet TN, author of Breaking Open

One of the prayers I regularly pray is “God, show me me.” It’s an acknowledgement of my propensity to self-deceive. Roz and Callie have given the Body of Christ a great gift in Healthy Money to carefully heighten our self-awareness around how we each uniquely manage or mismanage money and the stuff money buys. This tool assists the Holy Spirit in helping us take our next step toward wellness in our finances.

Rev. Dr. Jorge Acevedo
Rev. Dr. Jorge Acevedo
leadership coach, writer, speaker, retired pastor

Healthy Money: A 30-Day Journey toward Spiritual, Emotional, and Financial Freedom by Rosario and Callie Picardo is a compelling roadmap that charts a path to financial independence in only a month. The Picardos blend their personal and professional experiences to offer a sequential study that organically cultivates readers’ understanding of healthy financial management alongside spiritual and emotional growth lessons. This book, rich with practical advice and insightful wisdom, is an invaluable companion for anyone seeking a transformative approach to financial health. Engaging and thought-provoking, this resource is one you’ll likely return to yearly to deepen the lessons learned during the first 30 days. I strongly recommend you pick up this book and buy copies for those in your life struggling with financial challenges.

Jason Moore
Jason Moore
Midnight Oil Production, author, speaker, consultant

Many churches today are challenged financially. This resource from Callie and Roz Picardo places focus where it needs to be, on individuals and groups growing on their generosity walk with God. Make the investment. Spend thirty days on this journey and see what God can do in your life and church.

Ken Willard
Ken Willard
Director of Congregational Vitality, West Virginia UMC, author, professionally certified coach

Healthy Money is a timely and helpful guide to exploring the connection between faith and money. Readers are invited to examine how their relationships with money were shaped and how God is inviting them into a new, more God-centered, relationship with money.

Kristine Miller
Kristine Miller
CFRE, ACC, Partner and Executive Vice President, Horizons Stewardship

Healthy Money: A 30-Day Journey toward Spiritual, Emotional, and Financial Freedom is different from many of the other finance-based resources. This book walks you through a daily journey over a 30-day period that allows the reader to reflect on progress and small wins to maintain engagement and encouragement. This book is a great resource for anyone who is looking to reduce debt or sharpen stewardship skills. The Picardos offer an invaluable tool for the toolbox, grounded in scripture.

Brad Aycock
Brad Aycock
Director of Fresh Starts & New Beginnings, West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church

Callie and Roz draw us deeper into our collective story of faith as we seek to weave one of the most tangible acts of faith into our daily lives. This resource nudges us towards aligning our money habits with our spiritual habits - in the hopes that they will become a natural part of our everyday faith. This book is deeply spiritual and yet as practical as ever!

Rev. Rob Hutchinson
Rev. Rob Hutchinson
Director of Church Development, Western NC Conference of the UMC

What if your finances have less to do with your spending habits and more to do with your spiritual health?

What if every choice to spend, save, or give is motivated by hidden beliefs about worth, status, scarcity, fear, pain, and the things you value in life?
When you invite God into the roots of your money patterns, you will find so much more than just financial freedom – you will find deep emotional and spiritual healing.

This 30-day journey for individuals, couples, and groups will take you from awareness tohealing to hope:

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Week 1: Money Mindsets

Discover which of the five money mindsets you have and how it impacts everything about your finances.

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Week 2: Childhood Money Memories

Get to the root of your beliefs about money by exploring what your parents did and did not model for you.

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Week 3: Learning from Experience

Get honest about your past wins, setbacks, and experiences so you can fully own your present and future.

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Week 4: Financial Healing

Replace lies with truth and unhelpful habits with healthy disciplines as you invite God into the heart and soul of your money.

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Week 5: Moving Forward Financially

Change your financial trajectory, set new dreams for yourself, and move forward with hope, no matter your past mistakes or current situation.

Your relationship with money begins with your relationship with yourself.

Weekly: Bringing It All to God

Daily Scripture, reflection questions, and prayer prompts + weekly pauses will keep you grounded and connected to God on your journey.

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Are you ready to rewrite your financial story?

Order Healthy Money today and discover how this 30-day journey will transform your relationship with your finances, with God, and with yourself.

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