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Your life depends on organizations.

God created you in his image for purposeful relationships. No human can thrive, or ultimately even survive, in isolation.

From the small groups like a nuclear family, church, or school to large secular companies, and the government, every such purposeful group of people is, by definition, an organization where everything is done by someone who is following or leading, and often both. These interdependent roles are equally important heads and tails of the organizational coin.

The Kingdom of God has two realms of organizations. The heavenly realm is perfectly organized, so when Jesus taught his followers to pray, he told them to pray for God’s Kingdom to come soon on earth as it is now in heaven. Later he repeated that instruction even more strongly and with a promise: seek the Kingdom of God above everything else, and he will give you everything you need.

How do you bring Kingdom principles into every kind of organization, with following and leading equally valued under the perfect leadership of King Jesus? The heavenly realm provides the organizational and relational ideal for all organizations in the earthly realm, so the following and leading roles can be filled with maximum effectiveness.

In the present earthly realm, Kingdom-formed organizations function as much as possible like the ideal model of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thus, in a heavily leader-centric world, extra-intentional effort must focus on the development of highly effective followership and truly humble leadership. Heads and Tails provides principles, illustrations, a practical framework, meditations, and challenging questions for a mindset that guides actions great and small to make following and leading in any kind of organization more like the coming Kingdom of God.

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Richard Kriegbaum

Author, speaker, consultant, and former university president, Rich Kriegbaum is a teacher at heart. He has helped thousands of people view their personal and organizational realities in new ways and apply powerful principles of leading, following, managing, and changing to improve their performance and fulfillment in the Kingdom of God. In addition to numerous articles, his book Leadership Prayers has 100,000 print and digital copies in four languages since its launch in 1998. It is a resource of insights and encouragement for those who accept the challenges of wise and effective following and leading in the Kingdom.

He loves sharing in the improvement of personal and organizational effectiveness. He has been a speaker or consultant on leadership/followership, planning, marketing, systemic change, governance, and prayer for 170 organizations.

After childhood years among the fields and streams of eastern Iowa where his Dad was a pastor, his teen years were in northern Indiana where his Dad was a publishing executive and later dean of students at Grace College (IN), and his mother taught English. He sold his first article while in high school and still loves to read and write.

He played football for four years in high school and for two weeks at Wheaton College (IL), when he was suddenly overcome by a compelling vision of self-preservation, and from then on he stuck to running and long jumping on the track team. He earned a BA from Wheaton (with high honor) and an MA from Ball State University, both in Spanish, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education from State University of New York at Buffalo.

Teaching and coaching in elementary and secondary schools helped prepare him to serve 16 years in various faculty and administrative roles at Wheaton College, and 17 years at Fresno Pacific University, including 15 as President. He was Director of Administration at Fresno Leadership Foundation and for eight years was President of United Way Fresno. He has served non-profit, for profit, association, and church boards.

Rich and his wife Peggi (an administrator at Fresno Pacific) share two married children and one in heaven, seven grandchildren, six great grands, and a lot of music, sports, laughter, love, prayer, church, and mutual support and encouragement. In addition to
writing and speaking, he enjoys growing and eating organic fruits and vegetables, working out, and a daily dish of ice cream. He plays the piano as part of his private worship and enjoys singing in groups at church. He can sing the first stanza of the Indiana state song, and sometimes does so with only the slightest justification.



What people are saying...

I have had the pleasure of working alongside Rich Kriegbaum and witnessing firsthand his passion for nurturing Christian service and his profound insights drawn from a wealth of wisdom that make this book a transformative guide for aligning organizations with the divine purpose. With an unyielding dedication to the message of the gospel, he explores the delicate balance between following and leading, emphasizing that effective leadership must be rooted in humble service and the heart devoted to God’s calling.

As an individual who has been driven by a similar passion in developing International Bible schools, churches, conferences, and seminars, Heads and Tails speaks to the core of my own journey as a trusted shepherd and servant in the Kingdom. It reaffirms the significance of exploring new frontiers in spreading the Word of God, and it provides a blueprint for fostering organizations that are not only successful but also deeply rooted in the values of the Kingdom. With a remarkable ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity and precision, it will equip you for effective following and leading. I wholeheartedly endorse this book to anyone seeking to make a profound impact on their organization, community, and beyond with a lasting legacy of faith, service, and transformation.

Angulus Wilson, Ph.D., D.Min.
Angulus Wilson, Ph.D., D.Min.
Senior Chaplain of Wheaton College, author of What Is Spiritual Warfare? and What Do Evangelicals Believe?

In a world where confusion often prevails, this book serves as an aid to more effective following and leading in the ongoing discovery of the shared purpose within their organization. By highlighting the exemplary life of Christ, this book empowers individuals to navigate followership and leadership together with conviction. I endorse Rich’s work, considering it an indispensable addition to the curriculum of the Masters in Strategic and Organizational Leadership program at Fresno Pacific University. The insights and interactive questions at the end of each chapter will catalyze meaningful introspection and spiritual development for our students. This book will help shape the next generation of leaders and followers to see and serve each other and remember their true purpose.

Suzana Dobric Veiss
Suzana Dobric Veiss
Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, Regent University and Program Director, MA in Strategic & Organizational Leadership, Fresno Pacific University

I found the topics of leading and following in this excellent book to be gripping; once I started reading, I could hardly put it down. The role of followership is central in every successful human enterprise. Rich Kriegbaum has done us all a service to elucidate a hitherto little-studied and undervalued dimension of organizational effectiveness. I want it for the people in my organization.

Larry B. Jones, Ph.D.
Larry B. Jones, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Seed Company, A Wycliffe Bible Translators Affiliate

In a world obsessed with power, where leaders are worshipped for their charisma and productivity with little to no regard for character, and sadly a church posture that reflects far more the culture of the world and not the way of Jesus, Richard Kriegbaum offers us a fresh, invigorating, and radical perspective on how leaders and organizations can operate in a life-giving way. The concept of following is a much-needed clarion call for the times we are in. Read this with an open mind, a responsive heart, and willing hands.

Rev. Fritz Dale
Rev. Fritz Dale
Former Executive Director of Reach National Ministries, Evangelical Free Church of America

Richard Kriegbaum has written a Christ-centered catalyst for change that shows both sides of the leader-follower equation how to see themselves less as opponents with differing perspectives and objectives and more as allies working together to make the highest and best use of their God given talents. It is well crafted and extremely informative. It contains multiple techniques and tools for improving the way leaders and followers interact. I especially enjoy the Talking with God prayers and the Effectiveness Framework.

Tom E. Jones, Ed.D
Tom E. Jones, Ed.D
organizational consultant, author of Doers: The Vital Few Who Get Things Done, Help! I’m Surrounded by Idiots, and If It’s Broken, You Can Fix It

In Leadership Prayers Dr. Richard Kriegbaum presented leadership insights linking scripture, prayers, and corporate circumstances from his perspective as a leader. In Heads and Tails, he again draws on his extensive executive and consulting experiences to provide a unique perspective on the role and power of the follower. As a leader and a follower, if your goal is a successful organization with the values of the Kingdom of God, be it public, private, government, NGO, church, or family, this book will provide the tools, scriptural foundation, and prayers for great following and leading.

John Kilroy
John Kilroy
Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, former manager and executive leadership trainer in the finance and aerospace industries, dean of the School of Business, and professor of leadership, organizational behavior, change management, and diversity in graduate degree programs.

A fresh voice in a crowded room of leadership literature. Kriegbaum gets it.

Heads and Tails fills a void in the myriad of books that present models, methods, and measurements of effective leadership. Instead of making it all about the leader, Kriegbaum introduces the importance of followership and aptly describes the relationship between leader and follower. Both leader and followers have their respective roles and responsibilities. One cannot function or demonstrate effectiveness without the other. His description and understanding of the Kingdom of God is refreshing, rooted in scripture, and presented in a practical and understandable way. Head and Tails is a book for every person who has served in a leadership role and experienced frustration moving the organization towards a described future. 

Jules Glanzer, D. Min
Jules Glanzer, D. Min
President Emeritus, Tabor College, Senior Consultant with the Timothy Group, author of Money. Money. Money: Actions for Effective Fundraising and The Sound of Leadership

So much has been written on effective leadership but too little has been written on effective followership. This book begins to bridge that gap in a compelling way. The format combines practical teaching with Biblical testimonies, beautifully crafted prayers, and thought-provoking questions for discussion and deeper consideration. In all, this is a challenging and insightful study into what makes up a kingdom-formed organization from both the leader and follower perspectives.

R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D
R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D
Founder and Subject Matter Expert, The Center for Steward Leader Studies

Organizations have always been part of God’s plan of redemption, from the family of Abraham to the people of Israel to the Church. Our businesses are modern organizations that God can use to build His Kingdom in our world.

How do you open your eyes to see the Kingdom of God in the organization you’re in — to see the invisible realities around you and make God’s presence and goodness visible in each area of your work and life?

Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations will help you see what’s not obvious, act on what you see, and effectively organize and lead for Kingdom purposes. It will inspire and equip you to:

Your life depends on organizations.

Make the Kingdom of God your primary concern in whatever organization you’re in

Love your neighbor and seek the well-being of all through every organizational decision you make.

Your life depends on organizations.

Effectively apply Kingdom principles in the workplace

Creatively live and lead with Kingdom values, even in secular work environments.

Your life depends on organizations.

Become a Kingdom-minded leader and follower

Identify your spheres of influence and lead well. Recognize leaders around you and support them through unified followership.

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Discover a new vision for Kingdom leadership

Order Heads and Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom-Formed Organizations today and harness the power of your organization for God’s purposes.

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