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How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

Packed with resources and practical know-how, Both/And will give you fresh vision for how online worship can be a meaningful, effective form of discipleship and outreach - and why it's an opportunity you can't afford to miss

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In a world of rapid cultural and technological change, how do we faithfully worship and share the good news of Jesus?

What if online worship could become something more…a way to reach more people than ever before?

Both/And is a modern field guide for church leaders who want to create truly meaningful hybrid worship experiences and re-envision how to reach your community in innovative, missional ways. It will help you reframe your thinking about online worship – not as a necessary evil or second thought but as a transcendent expression of worship – and show you how integrate online ministry into the life of your church, from your service to ongoing discipleship.


In Both/And, church technology pioneer, Jason Moore, shares three proven models for hybrid worship and practical considerations for each. You’ll get best practices, step-by-step guides, and scripts for worship, teaching, hospitality, prayer, and more, so you can make online worship work for your church – even if you have limited time and resources.


Packed with resources, examples, and practical know-how, Both/And will give you fresh vision for how worship can become something that lives beyond the moment, no matter when or where someone participates.


“It’s not just about live streaming your service or having an online presence; it’s about creating a truly new experience based on what God is doing in this moment and the tools available to us today.” – Jason Moore



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Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences For In-Person and Online Engagement

The purpose of BothAnd is to give you both the why and and the how to harness radical changes in digital technology to faithfully worship and experience Jesus, his message, and ultimately our means for carrying out the Great Commission.

Jason Moore

Known for his pioneering work in collaborative worship design and guest readiness, Jason Moore has devoted the last two plus decades to resource development, training, and coaching and consulting that works for local churches of all sizes, styles, and means.


The author of 10 books, Jason has designed worship alongside such leaders as Adam Hamilton, Michael Slaughter, Tony Campolo, Brian McClaren, and Leonard Sweet. He has also lead hundreds of seminars and keynote addresses across North America – teaching in 47 states in the USA.


Jason began his ministry in the late 1990s at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio and later went on to co-found Midnight Oil Productions. In addition to Midnight Oil, Jason has worked with numerous denominations as a creativity consultant, media producer, and trainer.


In the secular world, Jason has collaborated with several Hollywood producers in film and television and has produced numerous book trailers for New York Times best-selling authors such as Ariana Huffington, Seth Godin, Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday, and Mark Ecko.


Both/And Reviews

What people
are saying…

We all need someone in our corner. Jason Moore is a leader that can help you build momentum and design an effective strategy to win at both in-person and online church experiences. Churches and leaders across the country have benefited from his valuable experience as a practitioner and you can too. This is a book you need to read!

Dr. Jason Young
Dr. Jason Young
Author, keynote speaker, & executive coach at

Jason Moore has given us a gift in this book. Both/And is a welcome roadmap through the new, complex and sometimes frightening world of maximizing engagement in both our in-person and online worship experiences, without compromising either one.

The ability to record and stream our services is now commonplace. But doing it well? That’s not so common. That’s where Jason comes in, with multiple options for creating a better worship experience for everyone.

Doing hybrid worship is no longer a matter of access, money or equipment. Now it’s about how well you use what you have. Churches of all sizes can gain a lot from the practical wisdom and experience Jason Moore writes about in Both/And.

Karl Vaters
Karl Vaters
Author, teaching pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, and resource provider for Helping Small Churches Thrive at

Before Covid-19 swept the globe and forced every church on earth to suspend in-person worship services, only 20% of Americans were attending weekend worship services in a building. After returning to services, less than 8% of Americans are attending. But while in-person attendance has declined, online viewership has exploded. It's time for the church to go where the other 92% of people are because God's heart is after them, too. This book is a must read in evangelism in every dimension. 

Nona Jones
Nona Jones
Bestselling author of From Social Media to Social Ministry, tech executive and pastor

Jason Moore has been a Godsend to thousands of churches the last two years as significant pivots were required in local church ministry. This is Jason’s most timely and urgently needed book to date. As a ministry consultant with congregations in America and Europe, I can assure you that Both/And will be required reading for every church I work with in the days ahead. I have never said that before about any book. But I’m saying it now. Thanks, Jason!

Paul Nixon
Paul Nixon
CEO of Epicenter Group and Co-author, Launching a New Worship Community

No matter the size of your church, as a church leader you are sure to find multiple, timeless gems in Jason’s strategies, checklists, and practical considerations to keep your church engaged in both in-person and online worship.

Kay Kotan
Kay Kotan
Coach, church consultant, speaker and author and the Director of the Center for Equipping Vital Congregations for the Susquehanna Conference of The United Methodist Church

Jason Moore's Both/And is a must-read for any church, pastor, and layperson who desires to reach people in our day and age.  Moore delivers practical advice for churches no matter their size, shape, and DNA.  Both/And is accessible material that can be accessed and implemented at any level.  Jason's years of experience and love for the local church shines through Both/And.  Any reader will be highly motivated and encouraged to reach more people for Christ.

Rosario Picardo
Rosario Picardo
Consultant, coach, co-pastor of Mosaic Church and Director of United Theological Seminary’s Pohly Center for Supervision and Leadership Formation

Jason’s passionate heart and calling to equip churches is once again revealed through this incredibly timely book. Both/And Hybrid Worship is now a fixture in our present church ecology and this resource will help you and your church figure out how to navigate it. True to its name, it covers BOTH the practical AND the theological aspects of what hybrid worship and ministry might look like in your church context. You will easily find yourself represented somewhere in the book through a story, a process, or a reason to pursue hybrid worship. That’s because the book firmly roots everything in RELATIONSHIPS – with God and with each other - regardless of if they are happening in-person or online.  It’s not either/or, it’s BOTH/AND

Rev. Rob Hutchinson
Rev. Rob Hutchinson
Director of Church Development, Western NC Conference of the UMC

Two years into dealing with COVID-19, we’re still navigating how to best do in-person & online worship in a way that honors and engages both audiences. In Both/And, my friend Jason shows the Church how to rethink online worship in a way that’s not a have-to, but a get-to. Pandemic or no pandemic, God challenges us to reach people wherever they’re at, and online continues to be that place to reach people. Every church and church leader can benefit from reading Jason’s words and putting them into practice as we continue to be the Church, in-person and online.

Adam Weber
Adam Weber
Lead pastor of Embrace Church, author of Love Has A Name, and host of The Conversation podcast

In his new book, Both/And, Jason Moore has given church leaders a powerful resource we will all reference again and again as we move forward in ministry. I agree with Jason that the church today finds itself in a Great Commission moment. How we respond today will echo for generations. Throughout this book you will find practical tools, concepts, and ideas your church will be able to use right away—AND come back to as our environment continues to change around us. This resource is a wonderful companion to Jason’s outstanding webinars, coaching, and training. Pick up a copy for everyone in your church who services in any area of worship

Ken Willard
Ken Willard
PCC, Director of Congregational Vitality, West Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church

Jason Moore is a time-tested pioneer in understanding the necessity of creating new wineskins to hold new wine. I had the privilege of working with Jason in developing multisensory models of worship in the 1990's. Jason continues to move forward into God's next. This might be the most important read in 2022!

Mike Slaughter
Mike Slaughter
Passionate Churches LLC, Founder & Chief Strategist

What if your Sunday worship could become something that lives beyond the moment?


What if this moment in time was not a setback, but an accelerant for the church and the Gospel?


In this handbook for hybrid worship, you will find:

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

A fresh vision...

...for hybrid worship and your “why” for making online worship an essential part of your church community

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

Three different formats...

...for online worship - pre-recorded, live, and delayed - and which one is best for you

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

How to overcome challenges...

...+ strategies for making online worship engaging, moving people from viewers to participants

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

How to create meaningful relationships...

...connections, spiritual experiences, and growth plans online

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

The little things...

...that make a big difference, from language tweaks to camera placement and technology

How to harness radical changes in technology and culture to reach more people than ever before

Step-by-step guides...

...and scripts for online worship, teaching, greetings and announcements, prayer, first impressions, discipleship, follow up and more

Both/And worship is an inclusive experience, where all people – online and in person – are participants and part of the congregation and where both experiences are elevated.

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The handbook for how to grow your church through online worship – even with limited time and resources

In a world where we can reach people anytime, anywhere, it’s not about choosing either in person or online…it’s both/and. Discover how you can be part of what God is doing in this exciting moment in history and how to reach more people than ever before.

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