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Not Just a Plan--God Has a Creative Calling for You | Len's Lightbulbs

Not Just a Plan--God Has a Creative Calling for You | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
If I talk to Christians about creativity and calling, it inevitably comes back to this question: what is God’s will for my life? ... read more
How King Charles Can Teach Christians about the Kingdom of God

How King Charles Can Teach Christians about the Kingdom of God

by Len Wilson
As I write this, the Union Flag and all other official flags of the United Kingdom are flying at half mast in honor of the death of Queen... read more
You Have Two Choices: Lead Up or Complain Down | Len's Lightbulbs

You Have Two Choices: Lead Up or Complain Down | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Something going wrong at work? You have 2 options: lead up or complain down. ... read more
The 1-3-5-7 Method to Making an Outstanding Creative Culture | Len's Lightbulbs

The 1-3-5-7 Method to Making an Outstanding Creative Culture | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
I have seen too many churches burn through artists. ... read more
The Pronouns Have It AGAIN

The Pronouns Have It AGAIN

by Talbot Davis
Last time, I shared some insights regarding the differences between ancient Greek speech making and modern American letter writing, and as... read more
Why True Christian Art is Largely Missing Today | Len's Lightbulbs

Why True Christian Art is Largely Missing Today | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
There is a fundamental shortcoming in what we do in the church in our attempts to create art, and it has to do with our understanding of... read more
The Creativity Question: Building Up to Ask More

The Creativity Question: Building Up to Ask More

by Teryl Cartwright
“From where do you get your ideas?” When I’m asked this, it’s easy. I am a lifelong learner, a philomath. I store up ideas like... read more
Five Methods for Making Better Team Decisions | Len's Lightbulbs

Five Methods for Making Better Team Decisions | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Ministry is a team sport. Whether designing worship, writing a teaching curriculum or producing a video, we as church leaders both create... read more
When A Veteran Preacher Finally Learns How To Read A NT Epistle

When A Veteran Preacher Finally Learns How To Read A NT Epistle

by Talbot Davis
I have been reading the New Testament for a long time, but I realize that I am only now learning how to read its epistles correctly. ... read more
What Is Breakthrough Prayer?

What Is Breakthrough Prayer?

by Sue Nilson-Kibbey
If you are seeking to follow Christ—like I am—it’s crucial to prioritize time for intentional learning from and listening to the... read more
Dynamite Prayer: The Most Powerful Prayer You Can Pray

Dynamite Prayer: The Most Powerful Prayer You Can Pray

by Rosario Picardo
I want to be confessional right off the bat. ... read more
The Bible: An Imaginative Book

The Bible: An Imaginative Book

by Andrew Fox
The Bible is not what we want it to be. Perhaps this is why we struggle to read it. I believe it is a marvelous work of imagination. Yes,... read more
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